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  Rack Accessories :: Bilkyns(بلکینز)

ليست محصولات متعلق به رک بلکین موجود به شرح ذيل مي باشد . جهت مشاهده اطلاعات كلي روي نام محصول كليك نماييد

Rackmount LCD Monitor Drawers

Bilkyns offers the industry’s most comprehensive lineup of LCD rack consoles. Our consoles support multiple rack depths and configurations, come in single- or dual-rail designs, and can be ordered with or without integrated PRO3 KVM switches. Bilkyns LCD rack console solutions have something for every server and data center environment. OmniView LCD Rack Consoles
Blanking Panels

Blank Panel Kit Blank panels can be used to fill up extra rack-mount space for a cleaner and more organized appearance.
Server Rack Shelf

Stock size 1U Complies with Communication, Computer & sound system 19” standard No need for brackets in installation Suitable for 84-key keyboards
Cable Management

Single-Sided Cable Managerble Management BILKYNS single-sided horizontal cable manager is ideal for organizing cables between racks or within a rack
Rackmount PDU

19" Rackmount Compatible. 125 Volts @ 20 Amps, 2500 Watts OR 250 Volts @ 16 Amps, 4000 Watts.

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